Wednesday, January 7, 2009

A few tidbits from the Roth's

Good New from Shreveport. Jonathan found out yesterday he is the second goalie for the Louisiana Mudbugs. The third goalie was traded to New Mexico. Shaina sounded very excited and relieved.

I was honored by one my students today. She asked me to attend  PHS Girls Basketball Game and be introduced as her favorite teacher. How cool is that? I am so humbled by her invitation.  I love Perkins.

Jude and I are attending the SMCC Hall of Fame on Sunday, Jan. 11th. Bill Myers has asked Jude to be the person who introduces him at the banquet.

Lots of good news. It comes in 3's. Have a great day!!


Therese said...

Congratulations to you all!

saroth said...

Thanks Therese!

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